One of the fundamental premises behind the SE platform is simply this: Ask a question, get an expert answer. Questions that cannot be answered are off-topic and not allowed. This can include questions as inane as "which is the best color?" or "Is C++ a better programming language than VB?"
This site is about delivering solid, actionable information; not about venting opinions. When it comes to parenting, there are fewer and fewer black and white answers to any question. For example, some people feel it's right to breastfeed a child to the age of four or beyond, while others wean at nine months or earlier. Both points of view are deeply personal, tapping in to the most basic human instinct; raising a child. Because it is so personal, both sides will vehemently advocate their own position. The question is subjective and argumentative. In short, to the question "How long should I breastfeed my child," there is no answer which is correct according to how SE works.
In general, parenting questions are counter to the basic premise and functionality of a stackoverflow site. When these deeply personal and hard-fought topics can be voted upon, it becomes reduced to a popularity contest, a waste of participants' time and SE resources.
A perfect example of this is all the discussions about gun choices, corporal punishment and stroller selections.
I recommend that SE closes the parenting site. While the intention was good, and I myself was excited to see this site come live, the subject matter is simply not compatible wit the SE platform.
Parenthetically, I can see how this post will get a million downvotes, which is totally ironic and yet an excellent example of my point.