This question has some problems that I will explain below. First, I want to state that my view I state below about the question is not directed at the original poster. I assume good intentions by the original poster, but feel strongly that there are deeper implications to the question than intended.
The question has the following basic requirements for an answer:
1 Explain to a 6-10 year old why violence in society is OK
2 I'd like answers to presuppose that there are valid justifications behind rioting
First and least I believe this question is highly opinionated and not appropriate for this site simply because there is nothing close to an answer that would be accepted in general. Every person's personal culture, religion, family history would strongly fashion their own personal response.
More importantly the question is FORCING an answer that accepts violence against innocent people as a valid answer to a problem AND for that violence against innocent people to be explained (taught) to a child aged as young as 6-10.
We live in a law abiding society and teaching 6-10 year olds the validity of violence against innocent victims is highly inappropriate. Again, I divorce my viewpoint of the question itself from the person who asked the question. I believe that my understanding of the question lies outside the viewpoint of the poster and thus cannot be assigned to the person. However, the content of the question is valid for scrutiny outside of the context it was asked in.
This site should not allow content that forces responses which legitimize the destruction of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of any innocent individual for any reasons whatsoever.
I request this question be closed. I believe this question lies outside the bounds of the answer here about censorship. Therefore, I further request this question and the answers be censored, because this question assumes to support and validate violence against innocents and the teaching of this to children.
Again, this is in no way an attack against the person who posted the question. I see this as a dangerous question and want to ensure the dangerous part is understood as best I can express it. In no way do I see the poster as a dangerous person. This is an impartial review of the content and merit of the question as it relates to parenting 6-10 year olds and this family of websites.