A user recently asked a question about ways to help their child tolerate wearing a face mask, which has garnered 5K views to date. The OP even felt the need to clarify that "this would be purely just for me to feel that she is protected." (Perhaps I misunderstand, but the clarification reads as discouraging medical arguments.)
The policy on this site has been to close medical questions, but there is nothing about comments or answers that carry on such a discussion.
The first comment under the question gives a medical opinion:
Not part of your question and I am by no means a medical professional, but...
There is even this (medically inaccurate) comment:
The evidence showing mask usage to be beneficial is inconclusive, at best. And even so, for kids the Covid-19 virus is not a threat at all. There is no rational reason to force her to wear a mask if she doesn't want to.
Not only a medical claim but a frame challenge to boot.
It continues both under the OP's post and in at least one frame challenging answer.
This is more than a bit disconcerting to me, as I cringe at misinformation and opinion offered as medical facts. As an HNQ, this gets a lot of views and, as HNQ's are wont to do, attract some fringe elements who join just to make iffy (policy-wise) comments. Many who visit the site for just this HNQ will get the impression that this kind of discussion is acceptable on the site.
My question is two fold (if the frame challenge issue is ignored):
Are medical discussions in comments allowed on this site? And, if so, why aren't medical questions allowed when comments serving as de facto medical answers are?
Confession: I took part in the comment chain to try to counteract misinformation, so I am guilty as well.