Due to time and life constraints, I'm sorry to report that Balanced Mama will not be able to continue on as part of the moderation team. She did a fantastic job while she could, and deserves our thanks.
We're looking for someone that is fair, even-handed and consistently awesome in the way that they interact with users. Such a person should be familiar with our theory of moderation and have a few hours per week on average to spend doing moderator things on the site.
Parenting Stack Exchange doesn't see many flags, there aren't very many disputes that creep up which require intervention. Your job as a moderator here will be mostly as an emissary of this community - to help guide new users and help them acclimate to our system. This means leaving helpful comments and occasionally answering questions on our meta site.
Sometimes, the work is janitorial, where you step in with your super powers to help the community do what the community can't - things like larger scale tag cleanups and synonyms. Mostly, you'll just continue to participate as you do now, while keeping an eye out for new folks that might need some extra guidance.
We're very respectful of your time, we just ask that if you're going to be away for an extended amount of time that you let us know, so we can make sure the site is covered.
Does this sound like a position you'd like to hold? Do you feel that someone else might be good for this position and wish to let us know? In the answers below, drop a link to your profile, and a few thoughts that you have on the site and the direction its going. If nominating someone else, drop a link to their profile instead, and a sentence or two about why you think they're ideal for the job.
I hope to have someone appointed by the end of next week, so if you're interested, please don't hesitate to chime in! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.
Please welcome your new moderators, anongoodnurse and Rory! They're joining the team today, and I hope you're all as excited as I am to see them dig in to their new roles. Remember, we're all here to learn, so please be patient as they get used to their new positions. I don't think it'll take either of them long.
I'd also like to say a warm, personal thank you to Beofett who has been with this site in his capacity as a moderator from the start. This site would not be what it became without you, and we're truly grateful for your involvement. Please stick around, citizen Beofett - and relax a bit.
Congrats and thanks to all!