A parent asked a discipline question. As part of my answer, I wrote the following:
By the way, I think reducing video game time is a great consequence. I personally am not a big fan of grounding, although I do recognize that many people are. The consequences I like best are the ones that aren't black/white, but a matter of degree. For example, my 12yo has been wanting more independence lately, but when he didn't come home on time on a Saturday, there was a consequence the next day. I didn't cancel what he was planning to do that day, but I did reduce the degree of independence -- in other words, I shortened the leash. I did tell him that he could try again with an independent outing again in a few weeks.
A consequence might be that the child doesn't get to come along to the grocery store (if that's something he enjoys), or that he'll have a couple of extra housework chores, etc.
A moderator removed much of this in her edit, with the comment "Please mind the personal anecdotes."
Since we are expected to substantiate our answers with either authoritative sources, or personal experience, I am confused -- how do we substantiate with personal experiences without describing any of them?
Note that in the same thread, Erica, another moderator, used information from her own parenting experience to good effect.
I would like to reinstate my contribution to the discipline as I wrote it, since the example I included was intended not to entertain but to make my statement about black and white consequences clearer. However, I would like to make sure I would not be stepping on anyone's toes by doing a roll-back.