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2 votes
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Reviewing mini-edits?

I am quite new to the whole reviewing edits thing on SE sites and I have mixed feelings with a specific type of edit: The post in questions is perfectly fine, but of course, there could be some wrong ...
skymningen's user avatar
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1 vote
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What does the number (9) mean in the header?

The number beside review is not going away, but there are no available reviews. I just got 2000 rep points. I am not going to correct spelling or edit unless it is to help the OP. What am I ...
WRX's user avatar
  • 17.4k
4 votes
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Remember the review queue!

I don't know if we're getting busier (stats don't seem to show one way or the other) or if we've just promoted too many of our active users to moderators, but the past few weeks the review queues have ...
Joe's user avatar
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