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Questions tagged [site-promotion]

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“‘sex’ Questions” shows up as a quick-link when I Google “parenting stack exchange”

I Googled “parenting stack exchange” and this is what showed up: I thought that was a little strange, but I know there’s a ‘sex’ tag, so I looked to see if it’s a popular tag to use or something... ...
Josh Withee's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can we convert visitors into users?

This site has a lot of visitors. It has a small number of active users. How can we convert some of those visitors into active users? Here are the numbers from Area51 18,362 visits per day currently ...
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6 votes
9 answers

What did you think of our question asking contest?

Between Mother's day and Father's day (in the US) we held a small contest for asking questions. I got a few comments on the announcement: If I'd seen this in time, I would have tried to get a t-...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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Contest: Anything you always wanted to know about parenting (but were afraid to ask)

Summary Parenting Stack Exchange has tons of untapped potential. Contests can be a fun way to stir up some excitement in the site. From Mother's Day (May 11) to Father's Day (June 15) we'd like to ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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Improving most googled questions and their answers?

I encountered this question What experts do we want to attract, and how? while browsing the meta. And though I don't know how to attract experts, I have an idea how to attract people asking questions -...
Dariusz's user avatar
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Improving the question rate/ encouraging user to post and return

As I am new to this particular site, I am sure many people may bristle at my input. Please, try and understand my suggestions are only to assist the site out of Beta. I have been on and off SE and ...
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4 votes
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Parenting SE - A Plan For Promotion In 2013

I'm Tim Post, a Stack Exchange community manager and as you might have noticed, I've been looking at ways that Parenting SE could be better promoted. We've had discussions about what experts we want ...
5 votes
2 answers

What do we offer that our target audience can't get elsewhere?

In another meta discussion asking who are the parenting evangelists and how do we attract them?, one of the answers brought up an excellent point: To attract additional experts/evangelists, we have ...
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4 answers

Who are the Parenting evangelists and how do we attract them?

Following our last community self-evaluation, we came together as a community to figure out what we're doing right and where we could do better when it comes to promoting Parenting Stack Exchange. The ...
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7 votes
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Encouraging referenced answers

Generally, I feel that most of our questions get very good answers. We get a lot of answers based upon experiences and anecdotes, and most of them are very high quality. However, I feel that we've ...
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2 votes
2 answers

So if the only thing preventing us from moving out of Beta is questions

How long does the site need to keep an average of four questions/day? Do I have that number right? before moving out of Beta? Can those who are more active commit to 4 questions/week on the main ...
balanced mama's user avatar
8 votes
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How do we boost participation?

We've now been in public beta for over a year. According to our Area 51 stats, we've come a long way. Our % answered is excellent. 100% of the questions on our site have received answers. Our "...
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11 votes
2 answers

Did you know that we have flyers?

So, I talked to our wonderful and amazing designer, Jin, and he was kind enough to whip up a couple of flyers for me to post up here so that you all can use them! It's very exciting, I know. I have ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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Should we have a regular chat event of our own?

Over in DIY, we have a regular chat event that happens weekly, where ostensibly we talk about projects that participants are working on. (Lots and lots of pictures!) The conversation usually meanders ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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What can we do to help boost traffic now that the latest school session has started?

Now that school is in session, there will be zillions of parents with school-age children, and they'll all have lots of questions. Since there are already a lot of parents here with older children, ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
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How do you feel about my site promotion ideas?

Full disclosure -- I did this over in the DIY meta a little while ago. So, as most of you know, I've been assigned to promote Parenting. I figured I should post about what I've been working on, the ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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Why does Aarthi Devanathan have a pitchfork in her name, and why does she care so much about Parenting all of a sudden? [closed]

I've noticed that Aarthi Devanathan is suddenly super active on this site, editing new titles and being super available in chat. What's going on? Why is she here so much? And why does she have a Ψ in ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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Is the proportion of male/female users of Stack Exchange Parenting representative of those of other parenting sites?

What are the statistics regarding gender of users at this site? I may be mistaken, but I suspect it is possibly more males than females and I am not sure that is typical. This question came to mind ...
Marie  Hendrix's user avatar
6 votes
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Why are the site moderators editing all the questions?

Some users might notice that nearly all questions have been edited to some extent recently. This meta question exists to explain what is going on. Stack Exchange (the company who is hosting our site)...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
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What experts do we want to attract, and how?

As part of taking ownership of our community, we should also consider how we can attract experts. If the site is only populated by "normal users" then experts might not want to participate because ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
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Making the site more popular

The progress of this site ain't too fantastic. Basically, there isn't enough users or visitors. What can we do about that? I've tweeted about the site, but that's all I can do, pretty much...
Lennart Regebro's user avatar