This question is clearly seeking medical advice.
I disagree. The OP stated that they ruled out physiological causes, and is explicitly asking "does anybody have suggestions how to get her to start pooping in the toilet regularly?"
one of the answers is clearly providing medical advice.
The medical advice in the answer you are referring to essential boils down to "here is some background information so you know what expect, but you should contact a professional medical specialist". It then goes on to provide very good advice about what behavioral actions to avoid.
That, to me, falls on the acceptable side of the types of advice we want to see on this site.
Why is there such a lack of consistency around something that should be very simple?
Remember that this is a community run site. So far, no one in the community, including yourself, have voted to close this question. Additionally, the question has only been open a relatively short period of time, so I'm not sure what type of inconsistencies you are referring to.