I've recently asked a question on daycares: Why do daycares use waiting lists instead of increasing prices to meet the demand?
The question was quickly closed as offtopic by the mods with the following justifications (taken from the comments):
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not a question about parenting. Sorry, but this is a question that really is more appropriate to a business site (which doesn’t really exist, unless Economics would consider it perhaps?)
But the question is about a subject that's only interesting to parents and causes a lot of frustration. Here in Seattle it's one of the most debated subjects amongst young parents.
This is not about parenting, even though it affects parents. It's a textbook economics question (supply/demand). Mortgage interest rates affect parents as well; we don't accept those questions here either.
While the question is inspired by behavior inconsistent with economic theory, it does not ask an economic question per se. It merely asks why daycares as a business choose to adopt a frustrating and seemingly counter-intuitive pricing policy.
This would not be a fit for Personal Finance & Money as it’s about a business not about a person. It’s not a fit here because it’s not something a parent would control - it’s just asking why the daycares do something. It’s more of a rant than a question. Both Money and Parenting would have the same suggestion: ask a question that is ‘why is the word this way’ is not a practical question. Ask ‘how can I deal with how the world is’.
But Money.SE (and many other SEs) do allow "why is the world this way" questions. For example Why do credit cards have their number and CVC code printed on them for all to see?. And Parenting.SE did allow such questions previously, for example Why do humans require assistance in childbirth so frequently?, WIC - Why aren't all jars of baby food WIC approved?, Why are there so many snaps on infant clothes?, Why is the due date different in France than in the US?, Why would a hospital not allow the recording of a baby's ultrasound video while in the lab?.
I therefore propose reopening the question.