Following our last community self-evaluation, we came together as a community to figure out what we're doing right and where we could do better when it comes to promoting Parenting Stack Exchange. The consensus on what's going right was rather unanimous, as expected:
There is a thriving community behind this site. When people arrive to ask questions about parenting issues that fall within our realm of expertise, they get great answers in a reasonable amount of time.
Parenting Stack Exchange is chocked full of very high quality contributions that are well maintained and manicured over time.
Community self-moderation is working exceptionally well in this community. Simply reading through a few random questions is enough to realize that the people participating here are very friendly and helpful.
In short, everyone involved is doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing in order for this site to succeed, and doing an excellent job of working with a very broad topic on on an extremely strict platform. You've shown that Parenting can work on the Stack Exchange engine, we just need more people to find it along with the intrinsic value of the high signal to noise Q&A engine that powers it.
What we need are evangelists. Not just experts, but evangelists. I'd like to open a discussion to see if we can identify the following things:
Who are the evangelists that would find enough value in what we're doing in order to promote us freely? These are probably not going to be people with Wikipedia pages, but could be. Mostly, we're looking for dedicated, forward thinking moms and dads followed by many who are likely to appreciate what we have to offer.
How do we attract these people? Is there something we could be showing them that we're not yet doing? Are there places we should be looking that we haven't, or perhaps places where we should be going out of our way to attract attention to the site? Note that contacting someone that you don't know rather well with 'hey, please go look at this' isn't really effective, and is usually considered annoying. If you want to attract an effective evangelist, they'll need to notice your awesomeness.
Do you know such a person well enough to get in touch with them and show them what we're doing?
Please answer with one idea / person at a time, multiple answers are fine. Within your answer simply describe who, what or where, and any possible caveats involved in the idea. At the end of the discussion, we'll take the ideas the community likes the most and get to work on a solid plan.
Wait, did I forget someone? Are you the kind of evangelist that we're looking for? Is there something holding you back? Could we be doing something differently? Please consider leaving an answer to let us know!